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Federal Aviation
Regulations (FARs)
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 14 contains
the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), Parts 1 through
199; excluding the unused Part Numbers. The FARs are
changed and amended daily. In the past, because of the
difficulty of promulgating the changes, the Government
Printing Office provided revised data and printed amendments
quarterly and the Aviation Publishing industry reprinted FAR
handbooks annually.
With the advent of the Internet and the proliferation of
government Web Sites, it is now possible to keep the FARs
current daily. That doesn't mean its easy, but it is
possible. The FARs provided by most commercial Web Sites
merely point (or link) you to one of the government Web or
FTP sites where FARs are maintained in various forms. The
FARs provided here will be the "Base Document" that was
current on June 30, 1998. Daily changes and amendments will
then incorporated into each FAR Part/Section as they occur.
We will then work backwards, providing the prior text of the
FARs before each change or amendment that occurred in the
past. This project will also include the CARs which became
the FARs in 1958.
FAA Requirements:
The FARs in The Aviation DataBase meet
all FAA requirements for IAs and Certified Repair Stations
to have access to current Federal Aviation Regulations. FARs
are updated daily from data published in the Federal
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