Search for STCs by STC Holder's Name

Two ways to perform an STC Search by Holder's Name:

Search all STCs matching Holder Name Sub-string

Enter a portion of a Holder's Name, and click Search. This will display all STCs for Holders whose names contain the text you enter.

Also Show Historical STCs

Search STCs by first Finding a Specific Holder Name

Enter an STC Holder's Name, or a portion of a name, in the box below. This will show you Holders whose names contain the text you enter. If you don't see what you want, try typing more to narrow the search. Click on a Holder name to see the STCs for that Holder.

Also Show Historical STCs

This starts to get a little tricky. We would like to give you a list of STC Holders, but there are over 8,000 of them. (We may go to an A - Z selection in the future). For the moment, however, we will use the "Little Name - Big Name" trick. Unless you now the exact name for which you are looking, enter a "Little Name"; i.e. "Lycoming" for Textron Lycoming Division. In some cases, that will be all you need to do. However, if you get a variety of names that contain the "Little Name", look through them for the one you want. Then do the search again using the exact spelling and format of the desired STC Holder's name. There could be more than one way to describe the one you want; i.e. "Cessna Aircraft Co., Inc." and "Cessna Aircraft". In which case, use the short version. That will get everything that has "Cessna Aircraft" in the name.