STC Holder: Disharoon, Jerry B.

Triton Aviation Data Corp.
STC Search Results

No. of STCs: 2

STC Holder: Disharoon, Jerry B.
Address: 1395 Woodland Drive, Ashland, OR 97520, United States
Contact us to have your company added here!
STC No.: SA833NWStatus: CurrentApp Date: 09/04/1979Rev Date: 09/20/1979
TC Nos.: A-780,
FS 2003 Corp.:
ACO: AIR-770: West Certification Branch SEA
Installation of a re-welded and re-heat treated left hand aileron bell crank.
STC Holder: Disharoon, Jerry B.
Address: 1395 Woodland Drive, Ashland, OR 97520, United States
Contact us to have your company added here!
STC No.: SA870NWStatus: CurrentApp Date: 11/13/1979Rev Date: 12/19/1979
TC Nos.: A-780,
FS 2003 Corp.:
ACO: AIR-770: West Certification Branch SEA
Installation of a PA-22 engine baffles, a PA-18 front mounted oil cooler, modified PA-14 cowling, and a PA-22 carburetor air box